Saturday, October 31, 2009

Emancipated schedule

You can download both the new schedule and also Ranciere's "The Emancipated Spectator" in full color as it appeared in Artforum magazine. The links are here on the right side --->>


  1. I have been in the English-Culture Theory class for almost two months. The efficiency of my reading is increasing but I'm not really good at speaking...It's very often that the word or sentence can't come out in English, but, anyhow ,I'll keep on trying.

    After many activities around Ranciere these days, Harry and I found out that we are interested in Ranciere's theory and we would like to choose "Future of the Image" as our presentation.

    Since the schedule of the article "Future of the Image" is on 11/13(next week), we're afraid that we won't have enough time to prepare and to have disscusion with you.So is there any possibility to exchange the article on 11/13 with another date?

  2. Ching-shuan ni hao:
    We can talk about the schedule during our next class. But I wonder if it isn't more useful to discuss "The Future of the Image" on the same day that the TNUA study group will also discuss this essay? (on 11/13). See you on Friday...

  3. Oh~~sorry~~I didn't notice that "The Future of the Image" is the article that the study group is going to study on 11/13...Because 建宏 gave the title as "影像的宿命" means "The Destiny of the Image" in Chinese...So I thought it was two different articles...thanks for reminding me!
